Sunday, August 11, 2024

Judges 7: In Writing


fear wells from a bottomless spring

and anxiety swarms like 

cicadas covering the sky

chirps deafening.

Three watches split the night. 

In the first, the donkey brays.

In the second, I listen with the dogs

to the planes swooping overhead

the distant sirens that threaten

to grow close and loud.

Patter through the house.

Check the windows.

Turn off the lights.

Listen to the kids breathe.

Watch their chest rise and twitch.

Listen to their dreams 

that whisper

of vanishing.

Check the doors.

Even as you know how easily

this house can all be flipped

shaken like a laundry basket

contents crumbled and dirty on the floor.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Judges: Chapter 7


Rise, to go down

Hold dread in check--

a dammed river

and know it can all

flip in a moment

[for full chapter, click here

This chapter continues smoothly from the previous (indeed, with no break in the Masoretic text). It shares the keywords of yad -arm, and the focus on the spatial tensions between downward and upward motion. Like the previous chapter, it is in dialogue with the exodus, with the locus-like enemy camp and a "night" of redemption; as in the previous chapter, Israel's primordial blessings (I will make you like the sand of the sea that cannot be counted) has been appropriated by their enemies. Gideon's fear is still an underlying force: the people camp in Ein Harod, עין חרוד, a verbal play on the later reference to "all that fear" (כל החרד), so that it can be read as camping on the "spring of anxiety." Yet Gideon keeps his promise and does not question God\, keeping his anxiety in check--even as God slaughs away his men.

In reward, God of His own volition offers a new sign to assuage Gideon's fear--and opens a new intertext. Gideon, we are reminded, is not just a lesser iteration of Moses for a fallen age. As a Mannasite, he is also a descendant of Joseph, the master of dreams. Like Joseph, he is offered someone else's dream, in virtually the same language: "Behold, I have dreamed a dream." As in the case of Joseph, who interprets a dream of bread loaves, Gideon hears of a loaf of bread, swirling like a dervish. This flipping source of nourishment opens the possibility of sudden reversal, where Israel's fallen, starved state can suddenly flip, just like Joseph's in the pit. 

Inspired and renewed. Gideon prepares for battle, while returning to the opening, miraculous battle that started the conquest of the land: like the settled Jericho, the nomad Midianites will be brought low by the sound of surrounding shofars, and God's will rather than by brute physical force.]