Sunday, December 14, 2014

Numbers 36: In Writing

The rising hills
and the sinking hollows

fill cavernous veins, rest
in her caress,

With eyes wide, choose
but limit your liking

What you take must return
to the cleaved earth

Come close you said
I tried.
Can you return
when the horn cries?

Notan of yay and nay
give and gather

You fill my orbed
eyes. I wrap in your web

The disappearing pieces
gouged from my skin

wrinkling the road
 we follow, a hollow

Rupturing the smooth globe
ripening fruit

Hanging above
my outstretched palm, ready

to fall. Yes, you say
Eliding nos

Softening the
sharp edge of en.  Dizzy

ing spin. Cleave to the earth.
Root  your fingers

in fatty loam
dig your feet deep to where

you come, long trailing roots
breaking the rock

Call me by name
the rivers of passage

Where I am
neither here nor there
and they are also another

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